
Date  East Garden Foyer & The Fullerton Heritage Gallery, The Fullerton Hotel Singapore. 1 Fullerton Square, Singapore 049178

Date  11 September 2015 - 13 September 2015

By Mdm Lim Sew Yong

In a solo 3-day only art exhibition entitled Happy Moments, local veteran artist Mdm Lim Sew Yong features a collection of artworks painted with joy within her heart and soul.

“To paint something you like is one of life's happiest moments. Only with happiness in your heart and soul can you truly make a good painting. And when you create something you like, it truly is a happy moment. When you have friends to share your creations it is a special kind of happiness. I am well over seventy and I can still use what I can muster to help those in need – this is simply marvellous and happiness to me. I am grateful and happy that I have such support from my friends and family.”  – Mdm Lim Sew Yong

“人生最开心的时候是画出一张好画. 画好画要用开心的心情才能画出来,画画的目的是要帮忙有需要的人,这样的❤️情是开心的.能够帮助别人是一件开心的事.能够把好的作品和朋友分享也是一件开心的事情.我今年已经七十多岁了.还能够用自己的能力帮助有需要的人.更要开心.当然得到家人和朋友们的支持更开心。”– Mdm Lim Sew Yong